Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Three Amigos

Sometimes, I still can't believe I have 3 kids already... and all under the age of 5! I guess you could say hubby and I have been busy these past few years haha! ;p

I'm still waiting a couple more months until Skyler is a bit older before we go do a new family shoot. For all parents, I'm sure you know how hard it is to get a decent picture of little kids! But I'm super happy since everyone seemed to be in a good mood one afternoon and actually cooperated long enough for me to get these priceless shots! I was just clicking away like crazy, trying to get everyone to look at me and smile. Trust me when I say it was exhausting! Kudos to all professional photographers who manage to make it look so easy. ;p

So here they are, my priceless treasures I call my babies. I know they won't stay this little forever and time flies so fast... I just hope and pray that they'll grow up to be best friends and always remain close. :)

everyone look here!
say ahhhhh!
wacky pose!
Sabe and Skyler starting to get bored... Good job Ate!
Focus people... FOCUS!
NICE! That's what I'm talking about!
look up again...
Perfect! Thank you kids!

Don't forget to join my blog giveway for a chance to win an Alva cloth diaper from The Fawn Shoppe. :)


  1. Ive been reading your blog a year ago.. nice to read again that you had given birth! cannot wait for his DIY birthday party


  2. adorable kids! how I wish I have a son too. I think my hubby loves to have a son.
