Monday, August 12, 2013

DIY: Dressing up a paper lantern

I've been meaning to do more DIY projects but I somehow cannot find the time these days. I have so many arts & crafts supplies just sitting in my drawer gathering dust. :(

Case in point, I bought a couple of paper lanterns in Divisoria way back and I've been meaning to place them in the kids' room for the longest time. Now, I don't even know where they are (well, they're probably in the attic or something... I hope!). Well, in the meantime, here are some of the ideas I was planning to do with the lanterns to jazz them up:

1. Add a mini-bunting

2. Cover it with tissue paper circles

3. Cover it with flowers or pom poms

4. Cover it with glitter

5. Cover it with doilies

Don't these ideas bring the plain paper lanterns to a whole new level? And they're so easy to do! I really hope I can finally get around to doing more of my DIY projects one of these days. I miss using my glue gun hehe! :)

1 comment:

  1. i love the mini bunting for the paper lanterns! great idea -- thanks for sharing!
