Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My little Christmas helpers

If last year I had the pleasure of decorating our Christmas tree all by myself, now I have 2 little assistants helping me. =)

Look how serious Miley is. She's as OC as me! She'd get upset when the balls wouldn't hang properly haha! ;p

Little Sabey just wanted to play with the decors. I kept him busy with the bells so he wouldn't start picking the Christmas balls off the tree like apples...

Putting the finishing touches (Miley was covered in glitter all over at this point)...

while Sabey is still busy with the bells! Good job baby! Keep stacking them up! =)

I also brought out the other decors like this snowman and Miley went crazy! She kept hugging it and saying "I love you snowman! I love you so much!" Awww, she's just so excited for Christmas already. =)

To be honest, with the 2 kids running around and playing in the living room, our Christmas tree definitely looked better last year. They've already broken a few balls and bent some branches. I half expect the tree to fall down at some point! Well, it comes with having kids. The important thing is they enjoy and love all the decors.

If you want to see our Christmas tree in all its glory, check out my post last year. I just used less of all the same decors, so it just looks more bare now haha! =)

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