Saturday, August 4, 2012

Good luck to all Ironman participants!

My hubby, Vins, is now in Cebu getting ready for the big triathlon race tomorrow. As you can imagine, I'm a nervous wreck. Actually I always get nervous whenever he races. I can't sleep and I wake up really early just itching to find out the results. Its just because I know how hard he trains and I just want him to do well.

I'll be praying extra hard since the weather has been really bad lately, and hopefully no accidents happen out there. I'm also extra stressed since Vins got a little sick too (he caught it from us when me and the kids got colds last week, so I feel really guilty!). Super bad trip since he's been in perfect shape all this time, and he gets sick 3 days before the event! So please, please pray for him too that he does well tomorrow.

Anyway, I'll probably won't be getting much sleep tonight until the race is done. Then I can breathe! I'll be following the live updates online so fingers and toes crossed! =)

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