Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Miley's fab hairstyles

I'm a frustrated hairstylist. For instance, I cut my own bangs, try to properly layer or trim my hair when I don't like what the stylist did, and experiment with different hairstyles at home. I even gave Miley her first haircut after she turned 1 year old, but that didn't go too well as you can see below (I cut her hair kasi when she was sleeping haha).

Here's one of my favorite hairstyles to do with Miley's hair. I can't wait until her hair is really long then I can braid it and then it'll become curly after. =)

This is the most recent hairstyle I did. Miley has so many clips and ribbons kasi, why not use all of them? ;p

Haay, the things that amuse a stay at home mom!

1 comment:

  1. aww
    i love the first picture! when I was a child my hair was like that
    take care!
