Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcoming 2012

Here's a photodiary of how we spent New Year's Eve. Had lots of food and fun with the family. =)

super yummy pumpkin soup made by my mother-in-law
Miley's outfit - it's a tradition to wear polkadots! =)
Sabe's outfit. He was supposed to wear a polo, but he kept tugging at the collar and crying. So, as usual, he looks so casual compared to Miley. ;p
Yaya took a day off so we had our hands full with the kids
starting them young
Happy New Year! Sabe stayed awake long enough to see the fireworks (and didn't get scared at all!)...
... and he fell asleep exactly 5 minutes after midnight! (check out my outfit - polkadots kung polkadots din haha!)
Knocked out Miley! She fell asleep 15 minutes before midnight just like last year (but that's ok since she's scared of the fireworks). Her change outfit - of course may polkadots!
oh, you can't see it but Sabe's top had little polkadots too in the white parts of the shirt hihi=)

When I was still single, I'd spend New Year's partying, drinking, and going home when the sun would come up. But I've been pregnant the past 2 New Years and had to skip on the celebrations. I said that this year I'd be back with a vengeance, but I found myself wanting to just stay with the kids and sleep (I'm really getting old haha!). Really, nothing beats welcoming 2012 with my two little munchkins (plus Vins haha).

Here I was last year welcoming 2011 with sleeping Miley (in polkadots no less!) and Sabe still in my tummy
Now, exactly a year later, here I am welcoming 2012 with the 2 sleeping kiddos. Truly a very happy New Year!

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